

To Good Health: Cup 'o Oats

This year,
Super Dad and I are making a 
genuine effort to get healthier
in 2013.

in an effort to keep myself accountable,
I plan on posting every now and again
different healthy eats and activities
we try out
during our journey.

Good Health in 2013!


Forget using a bowl for your oatmeal in the morning...
...grab a coffee mug instead!

I first found this recipe floating around Pinterest,
and am sure glad I did.

To make this quick breakfast,
you will need the following:
1/4 Cup of Quick Cook Oats
A Splash of Almond Milk
One Egg
1 Teaspoon of Brown Sugar
A Dash of Cinnamon
A Handful of Blueberries
Place all the ingredients
into a coffee mug and mix 'em up.

(Looks lovely, don't it?)  ;0)

Place it in the microwave...
(on a microwave safe plate,
if you don't want a mess to clean up)
...and cook for two minutes.
(See- messy, right?)
Wipe off your cup...
...and enjoy a healthy, easy-peasy 


A little side note:
To make this breakfast even quicker,
pre-measure and mix 
the oats, cinnamon, and brown sugar.

Put the mix in baggies,
making it even easier to get your
healthy breakfast buzz going in the morning...

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