

January 10th-16th

Highlights from the week:

*Went to our church's 
Parents Day Out program
and created 
snowflake art with the preschoolers

*The girls started dance lessons back up again-
with a little stop by Krispie Kreme doughnuts 
on the way home...

*The kiddos spent the night at my parents' house
on Friday,
so Super Dad and I went and saw
it was SO GOOD!!!

I am so glad Hugh and Ann won Golden Globes
for their performances-
they are so well deserved...

*Sunday morning,
Little Wild Man was baptized by Super Dad!!!

*Started watching two more kiddos,
in addition to
Girlie V (age 2),
Mad Max (10 months),
Smiley B (age 3).

I will formally "introduce" them 
later on the blog,
but let me just say,
they are ADORABLE,
and I am so honored to be watching them.

*Little Wild Man began crochet lessons
with Miss Marie,
and he is loving making snakes.

*Held "snow school" with my preschoolers

*Captain America came to play

*Laughed at Super Dad's pain
after he worked out
at work one day.

that seems mean, I know,
and in actuality,
the trainer worked him

He had to take a day off of work
and get some muscle relaxers
just to get back to normal

how do I handle such pain?

With laughter-
and Super Dad did laugh with me...
a little...



To read a photo play-by-play
of the above collage,
just click HERE...


Linking up

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your little guy!! My oldest was baptized this summer. Such happiness for a mama's heart.
