

December 29th-31st

The final days of 2012...
Over these last few days of 2012,
we really did not "do" a lot...

*I spent an entire day crafting away
some more goodies for my Etsy shop,
never getting out of my PJ's,
while the kiddos played with their new toys.

*Super Dad and I fell back in love with reruns of 
the TV show Friends.

*We took the kiddos ice skating,
where Little Wild Man
had an awesome wipe out-
but he did get back out there...

*I walked around Target by myself,
gathering inspiration 
for some future craft projects

*Spent New Year's Eve
with the family,
playing Spoons and watching the ball drop

I am looking forward to seeing 
what 2013 has in store 
for us all...


To read a photo play-by-play
of the above collage,
just click HERE...


Linking up

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