

2012 Wrap Up

I did it!!!
Here is my "official" year end photo collage!

(Thank you, SO MUCH,
for inspiring me to do so...)

Highlights from 2012 include:

*My brother getting married and moving
to New Jersey

*Being able to continue to homeschool the kiddos,
even though we thought we were not
going to be able to continue for
financial reasons

*Watching four different kiddos,
ages baby to 3,
which continually teaches me
more and more about myself

*Taking a spontaneous trip to Atlanta
with the family 

*Starting to get crafty again,
with the addition of my own little
Etsy Shop,

*Scaling back on out of school activities,
which has allowed us to just
at home

*Learning all kinds of fun things,
like the phases of the moon,
lapbooking about the Olympics,
taking an imaginary journey through Middle Earth

*Having a mini Vacay
with Nana and Papa in the Smokey Mountains

*Having our first real Christmas Tree


I really am looking forward to making some changes 
for myself and my family
in this new year.

I will be posting about these changes later,
so for now,
may I just wish you and yours
a happy and healthy 


Linking up


  1. I love the collage. I should make one! It seems so overwhelming!!!!!!

  2. OH my gosh! You are amazing -- what a crazy and fun collage. I'm so glad I got to know you in 2012!
