

September 1st-7th

Toes, Tadpoles, and Tags...

I spent the day straightening up a bit,
making some more apple butter in the crockpot,
occasionally checking in on the kiddos
(who were rollicking outside with their neighborhood pals)...

By the end of the day,
Little Wild Man was limping all over the place,
and complaining about his toes hurting.

He had scraped it earlier in the week,
and though it had started to scab over,
as we took a closer look,
his toe was all red and hot.

And streaky.

we decided that he would stay at home
from church
and hang out with my mother,
and if the toe got worse,
we would take him to see our
friendly neighborhood Physician's Assistant...



At church,
we devoted the entire worship service
to prayer-
it was LOVELY!

We NEED to do this more often
in our church...

When we went to pick up Little Wild Man
at my parents',
his toe injury looked worse-
it now had a ring of yellow puss
around the scab.

for family friends who happen to have
medical training-
Mr. Jim called in an antibiotic for
Little Wild Man,
and we had him take the first dose
when we got home.


I have never seen such a racket
over medicine.

(He thankfully gave in,
and the rest of the week the medicine taking
went MUCH better...)



We were planning on going to Dollywood
for Labor Day,
but it rained,
and Little Wild Man's foot still wasn't in the best shape,
so we wussed out.

I made MORE apple butter and applesauce
and piddled around the house.

And the hubs and I went
out to eat and to the grocery store,
minus the kiddos...

(Romantic date, I know-
I will take it, though!)

(Are you noting the theme to the long weekend-
 Being L-A-Z-Y-
It was nice...)



I had fully intended on
getting in a full day in of school,
and we did get in the basics.

But for Science,
we ended up taking a field trip
to a local creek.

We had been housing 4 little tadpoles
in a small plastic container,
and it was time to create a bigger
habitat for them...

(I will post more about that
on Science Sunday...)

After our field trip
and a running a few errands,
we headed home,
and I got the house in shape for
Smiley B and Mad Max
the next day...



A full day of homeschooling
with Smiley B and Mad Max...

(Check out Smiley's Tot Trays
for this week by clicking HERE.)

Around the time the boys left,
Miss Marie arrived for supper
and some more crocheting lessons.

Jungle Girl started on making
a surprise for her brother-
a little guinea pig-
and I continued working on
mastering the
double crochet stitch...

and a tadpole update:

One of our dear little friends
didn't make it.

I am certain he is up in froggie heaven,
sitting on a lily pad and
catching flies...



not a good day for academics
(we DID get in Math),
but a GREAT day for Practical life lessons!

Our church consignment sale is coming up next week,
so the kiddos went through their toys-
and reorganized some things-
so mow I have a TON of stuff
to tag and sell!

AND the girls' room is in much better shape...



We did Math
and a Hobbit activity...

(which I will post more about
next week)

Then we headed out to Aldi.

We NEEDED some food
because we are having two wee guests
for the evening-
a 5 year old and a 2 year old from our church.

Their Mommy and Daddy took
a little vacation,
so our children's minister
and myself
are helping to care for their little ones
while they are gone.

I am praying they will sleep through the
night in their new environment... :0)


For a photo play by play of the above collage,
click HERE...


Linking up with

Collage Friday

Week in Review

Weekly Wrap-Up

1 comment:

  1. I love it! We, too, have had rackets over taking medicine here -- much like you would think I was asking them to eat dog poo! ha ha!!!

    I wish I could get to know you in person - I know I would have fun and be blessed by your giving spirit.

    Sorry about the tadpoles :-(
