

August 25th-31st

This week started with a party and ended with

After I frosted some cupcakes
and gathered up some last minute supplies, 
I headed to the church to set up for
Baby Girl's Smiley Face Birthday party.

(Her birthday was actually in mid-July,
but we did not have a good weekend until August
for her to have her "friend" birthday party.)

By the time I finished setting up,
it was time for the children's ministry
(His 2 Own)
water event to start.

Super Dad arrived with the kiddos
and some neighbor friends,
and then we all went off and enjoyed 
getting wet on inflatables,
eating snacks,
doing crafts,
and learning about how
God sees our insides as well as the outsides.

After H2O was over,
we headed inside and celebrated
Baby Girl's 8th birthday.

(I will post more about the party
later this week...)

as we started to clean up,
I discovered my Sunday School classroom
had been 
by some of the teen helpers at the event.

The chairs were either on top of the tables
or laying on their backs on the floor.

Pool noodles and bandanas 
were hanging all around the room.

And a lovely note
sat in the middle of the room, saying,

Got any grapes?"
 (Paying homage You Tube's

I am SO loved... :0)



About 3am,
I FINALLY fell asleep,
after dealing with some acidy-feelings 
in my tummy.

(I totally blame having too much sugar and caffeine.) 

Super Dad and I decided I need to stay home
from church.

(I am SO GLAD I had re-organized my
class the night before and had my Sunday School lesson
planned out and ready to go at the church-
I am most definitely not always this organized!) 

Which meant I sent a series of texts
to our
Music Minister,
Children's Minister,
my teen Sunday School helper,
a committee member of our
Lil' Angels Attic Children's Consignment Sale.

everyone was gracious with me,
and I stayed home,
but I did NOT go back to sleep.


I did watch some movies
and chilled out on the computer.

And had some lovely...

I canceled watching Smiley B and Mad Max 
for Monday
and prayed I would sleep...



sleep I did!

I slept in until NOON!

The kiddos were so great-
they stayed in and played
nicely with each other,
occasionally coming in the room to ask 
a question.

It is SO NICE that they
are old enough to take care of their
basic needs when I am not feeling well.

When I finally got up,
I showered,
and felt human again.

I spent the rest of the day
straightening up the house,
playing with Girlie V,
and hanging outside with the neighbors.



I kept Smiley B and Mad Max today,
which resulted in a crazy-busy fun time!

I really do like keep those boys-
they keep me on my toes... :0)

(You can see what a day is like
for us when the boys are here and I homeschool
by clicking HERE.)

Smiley B continued to work with his
but I gathered up supplies in the evening
to make some
Letter B Themed Tot Trays
for Wednesday...



Another day of homeschooling madness
with two extra little ones.

we created an animal cell model 
out of jello and candy,
which I hope to post about at
Science Sunday.

After school was over,
we went to the neighbor's yard
and enjoyed each other's company.

I LOVE having neighbors again who will
sit outside and talk-
it is so nice...



The kiddos just did the basics today
(Reading and Math)
because we ALL slept in after
playing outside all afternoon yesterday.

In the early afternoon,
we went over and visited at my parents',
then we came back to watch 
Girlie V in the late afternoon/early evening.

We also watched some Family Feud
together before bedtime-
it has become a new favorite.

I think Steve Harvey is an
EXCELLENT choice for
hosting the show-
he is 



No school today.

I HAD to get my
"Apple Butter Making" 
groove on,
because the apple I had picked a 
couple of weeks ago were starting to rot. 

I had made a few batches of apple butter
and apple sauce,
then the handle came off of my
Pampered Chef
Apple Peeler Corer Slicer
because I lost the screw.

It fell out and I CANNOT find it!

I stopped precessing the apples.

I S-L-O-W-L-Y made another batch today,
and then we headed over to my parents'.

my mom had an extra handle with her
Apple Peeler Corer Slicer,
so this weekend my house is going to smell
like appley-cinnomeny goodness.

After we came home,
we cooked up some wings
and watched the 
first collegiate football game of the season-
at least that matters to us.

University of Tennessee
North Carolina State

And we WON!

35 to 21!

this is a big deal.

The past few years haven't been that great for us,
so it is nice to start off with a win.

Go Big Orange!!!


To see a photo play-by-play 
of the above collage,
just click HERE...


Linking up with:


  1. I want to make apple butter so badly! We do jams every spring, but missed picking this year. We're going to have to buy Supermarket jam, but we're sooooo spoiled and snobby about it now. :) We're in FL, no apples to pick for us. I'm seriously considering a Fall trip up to the mountains during apple harvest season. Great week!!

  2. I am still trying to get used to Football time in TN. :)
