
TOS Crew Review: AIMS- Earth Rocks!

about anything put out by the

In the fall,
we received AIMS'
to try out-
and we had so much fun with it!

(Click HERE to read more
about that review.)

So when we received...
I, admittedly, was a little giggly with glee... 


Earth Rocks! takes kiddos through
the minerals and elements 
that make up our precious planet.

The target grade for this book is 4th-6th grade,
but I can use it with all my kiddos,
who are ages 6, 7, and 9,
with a little adaptation for the younger ones.
The sections that this book goes over

1.  Rocks and Minerals
2.  Soil
3.  Water
4.  Earth Changes
5.  Resources
6.  Pollution


Each section includes numerous of
fun, hands-on experiments like...
..."Some are Sedimentary,"
which demonstrates one way
sedimentary rock is formed.

All of the units contain stellar scientific information,
and it is written in a way in which kiddos can understand it.

The lessons also often include...
...clearly illustrated handouts which
help with the learning process.


At the end of each lessons is a list...
...of questions which help kiddos connect to 
recently learned information.


One element which my kiddos REALLY enjoy
in this AIMS curriculum is the...
...Rubber Band Books.

Most of the lessons have these little books,
which my kiddos enjoy,
probably because of the
small size of the books...
...and their fun illustrations.

 This AIMS book comes with a CDROM,
with all the printable pages listed on it,
which makes it easy 
to get all the papers ready to make the
rubber band books.


Earth Rocks! lists as $29.95,
which is very reasonable for this
high quality curriculum.

Please check out the various array
of AIMS products by clicking


Read what other TOS Crew Reviewers have
to say about AIMS products by
clicking HERE...


I received this product free in exchange 
for my open and honest review.
I was not compensated in any other way.

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