

In Love With Letters: "F" is "F"ull of "F"antastically "F"ishy "F"un!

This week,
Little Wild Man worked with the
Letter F.

So, here's some of the "stuff" we worked with...


The books I read to Little Wild Man included...


Utilizing Confessions of a Homeschooler,
I took a different spin on a couple of her "F" activities...

Instead of using fish crackers with THIS
Fish Measuring sheet...
...we used "Fireside" mini-marshmallows.

(Because, let me be honest,
I didn't have the fish crackers...)

One of Little Wild Man's more challenging
activities this week was THIS
Fish Builders sheet...


Over at Make Learning Fun,
Little Wild Man got to have fun with footballs...
...including THIS magnet page....

...and THIS lacing activity.


One other fantastically fishy activity...
...had Little Wild Man graphing with
(OK- whale)
erasers on THIS sheet.
"F" is "F"ull of "F"antastically " "F"ishy "F"un!


  1. Hey! We did the letter F this week too! Thanks for the idea of using marshmallows on the fish measuring page! The little ones loved that one! Then they measured with candy corn too! :P No surprise that they wanted to keep measuring! ha!
