

Bible Alive! (Special Friday Addition): All Hallows Eve Fun...

This morning for our devotional time,
we read...
This book really sums up why we celebrate Halloween-
All Hallows Eve-
in our house.

Yes, we dress up and enjoy the candy,
but we use it as a time to remember
all our loved ones who are no longer alive here on Earth.

We rejoice that they are now in heaven,
and one day we will be reunited with them.


So, to have some more fun with a holiday
that is near and dear to my heart for that reason,
I decided that the kiddos needed to get their
Pet Shop Animals ready for
Trick or Treating.

Using THESE cute Halloween Cupcake Toppers,
scissors, a hole punch, and yarn,
the Pet Shop Animals are ready to party!

Spiders, Dracula, and Bats-
oh my!
The Flamingo had to have an extra hole in her mask... make room for her beak!
Jungle Girl continued the fun by making a Broom costume
for her Tiniest Pet Shop Animal to go with the Witch costume.
For Little Wild Man,
we "costumed" his Matchbox Cars...
Naturally, Spider Man's vehicle
would be the spider!
A fun way to celebrate a fun holiday!


(Oh, and I will be posting the Bible Alive! Linkie on Tuesday-
I just wanted to share this idea now since Halloween is on Sunday.)


  1. What fun!!! Wishing you guys a super-fun Halloween!! :-)

  2. Oh would my kids ever love having masks for their toys.........

  3. I have to show this to my kids! They would love the idea. And I am on the search for that book. My husband and I struggle with participating in Halloween. I appreciate this post!
