

Geography/History: Digging for Dinos

A couple of weeks ago,
the kiddos and I took a field trip
to a local museum.

(You can read more about what we say by clicking HERE.)

While we were there we saw...
...some dino bones...
...and many fossils.

As an extension of that experience,
the kiddos got to pretend to be archeologists... using these Dinosaur Fossil Kits.

(I got them at THE DOLLAR TREE-
how awesome is that?)

We headed outside with the kits...
...and got to digging.

As the bones emerged...
...we got a little excited...
...especially when we discovered the "egg"
the bones were in was chalk!

Sadly, the bones didn't pop together well...
...but the kiddos still made some fun discoveries!


For more fun activities with Geography and History,
head on over to
Children Grow, Children Play, Children Learn...


  1. I am with Leah, those are such neat kits. I have never seen them before. I will be looking for them now.

  2. You know, the fossils the scientists find also don't always fit together perfectly either.
