

Ramona Quimby, Age 8 Lapbook

As Jungle Girl and I await the release of the
Ramona and Beezus movie
(July 23rd people!),
we are continuing our education on all things Cleary...

After having read Henry and Ribsy
and Socks this year,
Jungle Girl started her lapbook on...

Ramona Quimby, Age 8.

This is the lapbook cover...

(Please note our kitty cat "Q",
which pays homage to that special little
girl with a BIG imagination!)

The rest of the book is very similar to
Jungle Girl's Socks lapbook...
...with Comprehension Questions...
...Vocabulary Words......and Chapter Snapshots.

Since Jungle Girl already completed a mini
autobiography on Beverly Cleary in the last lapbook...
...she will create a Character Profile...
...on Ramona Quimby herself!

(Oh, I can't WAIT for July 23rd to get here!)


  1. I didn't know there was a movie coming out- cool.

    Creative and Curious Kids!

  2. Oh, we are waiting for the movies with "baited breath"- it's a plus that Selena Gomez (from The Disney Channel) is playing Beezus in the movie!

  3. How did I miss there's going to be a Ramona movie? Sweet!

  4. Beverly Cleary was one of my favorite authors when I was little. I like her lapbook. It sounds like July 23rd will be a fun day!

  5. I can't quite imagine a movie. I'm looking forward to it, and dreading it at the same time. I've always pictured Ramona, as me when I was little. It will be strange to see her as someone else.

  6. @ An Almost Unschooling Mom:

    I understand the quandary! I think the movie is going to have stuff from all the books, and not just one, so we will not be expecting detailed accuracy by any means...but I think it will interest a whole new generation into the books.
