

Weekly Wrap-Up: Craving Normalcy...

I am READY to get back on schedule...

March was kind of a blur for me...

My son's face says it all...

It's already APRIL???

Spring has sprung, Easter has come and gone, and we
did not have one full week of school in the month of March!

All I can say is wow...

The past couple of weeks for me and the fam
HAVE contained learning,
just not in a "traditional" sense...

My kiddos and I got to see Jesus in action when
my bestest bud came over out of the blue to help me clean...

(Read more about it by clicking HERE)

(Side note: I also learned how ENCOURAGING my blogger buddies are!
You all ROCK!!!)

I learned that the kiddos have perfected their
inner thespian skills
when they put on a play for me
as I recovered from some lovely gastrointestinal problems...
(which have been "running" though our family...hee!...hee!)

(Read more about it by clicking HERE)

We learned that Peeps make
REALLY GOOD S'mores...

(Read more about it by clicking HERE)

We learned that art is to be looked at,
and not touched...

(Read more by clicking HERE)

We learned that Easter Egg hunts
are best shared with family and friends...

(Read more about it by clicking HERE)

And, finally, I learned that I am
handy with a screwdriver and hammer than I thought...

(Read more about it by clicking HERE)

There ya have it folks...

Two weeks, come and gone...

The "Norm" will be back next week...

To read more about the normal and not-so-normal experiences
of homeschooling families,
head on over to the Weekly Wrap Up
at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.


  1. Hooray for an idea of what to do with all those left over peeps!

  2. Life is so much more interesting when it isn't normal. Easy to say when I've had a calm week! :)

  3. What a genius idea for peeps!! Yum!!

    Our school in the spring is never normal either. We're always trying to cram in one visit to Busch Gardens every week, til PS gets out. Then we stop going til fall. So fall's crazy for us too. LOL

  4. I didn't even buy peeps this year, cause I'm tired of throwing them out year after year. Now I'll have to look for them in the Easter clearance aisle!

  5. Peeps smores- hmmm a new delicacy perhaps? Hope you get rolling again this month. Have a good weekend.

  6. Sounds like a good time! We have a few leftover peeps that are destined for smores in a few days. Should be a good time. =D

  7. Sounds like perfect hands-on learning experiences to me! But I'm with you, I NEED to get back on schedule. Where have the months gone?
