

stART: "Up a Tree" and "The Umbrella Queen"

Y'all are getting a
"two for one" deal today,
courtesy of my eldest daughter...

This week, Baby Girl and Little Wild Man
are learning about the letter "U",
so I have been reading to them many books
which feature "U" words...

Like this one...
Up a Tree
by Ed Young
The illustrations LITERALLY speak for themselves
in this book,
since there aren't any other words in the book
except its title.

Jungle Girl looked at this book with us
since she was done with her morning work...

As I continued on with the younger kiddos,
Jungle Girl disappeared with paper and markers...

The result was this:
Her VERY OWN Picture Book!
Basically, it is a story
about a girl getting up, going to school...
...returning home, and going to bed.

Simple and sweet...

What I found so FUN about the whole project
is that it was initiated by her, and her alone!

Now, onto the "Mommy Directed"

Continuing on with our "U" books, the younger kiddos and I read...
The Umbrella Queen
Shirin Yim Bridges
Taro Yashima.

We then had to make
our own umbrellas...
I gave each kiddo a piece of construction paper with
the umbrella handle drawn on it, an umbrella top
(also made out of construction paper),
glue, and colorful squares of tissue paper.
The kiddos colored in the umbrella handle...
...and glued on the umbrella top.
They then used their glue sticks
and the squares of tissue paper... decorate their umbrellas.
Little Wild Man's and Baby Girl's
Umbrella Art
Jungle girl had to use some of those colorful
tissue paper squares for her own creation.)

To see what other kiddos are being inspired
to create,
head on over to stART...


  1. Up in a Tree has an awesome cover illustration! Your colorful umbrellas would make any rainy day cheerful!

  2. They're both great projects. I love when kids make their own books; it's a great way for them to express themselves. And I always love tissue paper projects.

  3. Wow! You did such fun projects!

  4. Umbrella looks really beautiful. Is that a CASSETTE tape I see in the picture?!? ;)

  5. Oh yes, Christianne- I am going to do a unit with the kiddos someday on how to make a mix tape...from the radio...for your significant other...:0)

  6. I love all of these art projects. Jungle Girls book is awesome and Emily would love making the umbrellas. Thank you so much for linking up to stART this week :0)

  7. Great books, and your oldest is super creative. The little ones created beautiful umbrellas too.

  8. We have those same pajamas.
    Love how the umbrellas turned out, super cute!
