

Review: TOS's "When I Grow Up...I Want to be a Firefighter"

Earlier this year,
the kiddos and I went on a field trip
to a local fire station...

I WISH we had had...
The Old Schoolhouse's
"When I Grow Up, I Want to Be...
A Firefighter"

BEFORE we went on this field trip!

This e-book is very user friendly,
and full of some pretty great information and activities,

Party Plans...

Pretty much a complete unit!

Since the kiddos and I already had learned
a lot of the information when we went
on our field trip,
this was a good way to review...

(I will also pull this out next year, the week
BEFORE we go back to the Fire Station!)

I chose one of the party games
for the kiddos to practice
working as a team...
...just like firefighters do!

The kiddos got on their
"firefighter uniforms"
before playing the game...
(Simple to make-
just red shirts, orange duct tape, and
firefighter badge stickers)

The goal of the game was to form
an old fashioned fire brigade
to put out chalk fires.

The kiddos had to work together
to put out...
...a house fire...
...a forest fire...
...and a city fire.
The kiddos had a big bucket of water
and some cups to pass the water to each other...

...which they used to successfully
put out the fires!
(I'm so glad my neighborhood is safe again!)

Back to the review...

I would recommend this e-book
for kiddos in the age range of
Younger children will need more assistance,
and older children could use this e-book on a more
independent study level.

The cost of this unit is
and there are MORE careers to discover
in the series.

(Click HERE to see more)

(They also have a VARIETY of other homeschool helpers
The Old Schoolhouse-
it is WELL WORTH checking out!)

I am considering using part of this series in our
Social Studies curriculum next year
since community helpers is an important concept
for the primary grades,
and TOS will have already done all the work for me!

Disclaimer: I was provided a free copy of this product in exchange for my honest review.
I have not been compensated in any other way.


  1. I totally missed that game in there, we'll have to that sometime.
    Oh crud, I just realized it's almost 9:30 and I meant to start school a half hour ago, bad me, bad, bad. Stop reading blogs.
