

Muffin Tin Monday: Cat Hat Cakes

OK, I did not go with the yellow theme this week,
(though I hope to try doing this later)
but we really enjoyed what we did for MTM.
Hope y'all do too...

Since we have been "Seussifying" our lessons
in honor of the Doc's birthday,
Muffin Tin Monday
HAD to be part of our learning experiences...

So, after having "Grown Up" Green Eggs and Ham
for supper one evening,
the kiddos go to create a fun dessert,
MTM style!

After reading
"The Cat in the Hat"
"The Cat in the Hat Comes Back,"
I showed the kiddos how to create their own
"Cat Hat Cakes"...
Each of the tins contained read and white
cupcakes halves...

(Made them from THIS recipe.)
...and read and white icing.

(Made from THIS recipe.)
Using the cupcake top halves in their tins,
the kiddos set them on their plates...
and spread some icing on top.
Put a cupcake bottom on top of this layer,
and spread it with icing.
Add a couple more layers,
and you have a hat
befitting for any cat!

Now it's time to chow down...
Just be careful-
It's rather topsy-turvy!

Hat or no hat,
head on over to Muffin Tin Monday
and check out what others have been eating out of their tins!


  1. This is an awesome idea. JDaniel would have ate the cake right away.

  2. That is a great idea. Only problem if I did that, little one would eat all the icing and not put it on the cupcakes. lol

  3. So cute. We love Dr. Seuss in our house...if you look down my webpage we did a Cat in the Hat pizza last week that turned out really cute!

  4. love it!

    you know what would have been awesome? if you had made the hat slices from like 10" round pans. that way, the finished product could actually sit on the kids' heads. or. probably your idea was way better.

    yeah. never mind. i'm going with your idea.

  5. Love it! I'm definitely going to do this with my boys.

  6. Very cute! We didn't do yellow either since I've been sick for 2 weeks and haven't had the chance to go out and do any shopping to prepare. Love the pic with the Wonder Woman Underoos! I had those too. LOL I don't think there's a pic of me in mine anywhere though. :(

  7. They did a great job. It looks like it was a lot of fun!

  8. Ummm, yeah, my kids are totally hoping I'll do this with them!!! very cool!
