

Muffin Tin Monday: 100's Day

This past Friday, we celebrated our 100th day of Homeschool,
so naturally we had to make "Muffin Tin Monday" part of the fun!
We made a snack using our muffin tins,
after partaking in some other "100's Day" fun.
This was definitely a hands-on learning experience
for the kiddos, and I wanted to make sure it was fun for them,
so we included favorite cereals, marshmallows, and mini-chocolate chips!

(Not healthy, I know, but this was a celebratory snack!)
For 5 of the 6 muffin tin cups, the kiddos counted out groups of 20 items
(so they had 20 of 5 different snacks when we were finished).

We counted to 20 in different ways, such as by 1's, by 2's, by 5's etc.
Generic Fruit Loops and Rice Krispies
Generic Apple Jacks and Mini Marshmallows
Mini Chocolate Chips
(By far, the kiddos fav!)
Since we had an empty muffin cup after reaching 100 snack items,
I decided to give the kiddos a bit of Sprite to drink...
measuring to 100mL, of course!

(The kiddos were impressed to know that it would take
2,000mL to fill a 2 liter of soda.)
For more muffin tin morsels, head on over to
"Muffin Tin Monday!"


  1. idk... sounds pretty healthy to me. "fruit" "apple" "rice" ummmm... "mini".

    congrats on reaching your 100th day of home schooling!

  2. My little man is just about to celebrate his 100th day of school (next week). What a fun activity. We will have to try this out!

  3. Happy 100 Day!(Belated) Nice idea!

  4. All of your 100th day activities look like so much fun! We only do lessons 4 days/week so we have a little ways to go before we get there. I'll have to remember some of these ideas. You are so creative! :)

  5. What a fun way to celebrate! We don't keep track of the days... but it might be fun to celebrate the 100th day of the ~calendar~ year. Neat tin. :)

  6. congrats. what a great way to celebrate your milestone

  7. This is fantastic! It makes me realize I need to *sweeten* it up a bit with my math! Thanks for stopping by my blog. It would be great if you can link up this post so we can refer to it and others can have easy access! Always looking for creative ways to make math fun!
