

Building Blocks Towards a New Year...

New Year's Eve for The Fantastic Five was spent chillin' in our living room, watching TV and playing with Legos!
For Christmas, one of the gifts the kiddos received from Santa (and one of Santa's best bargains!) was a big bucket of Legos.
The kiddos finally had the chance to dig in and discover all the wonder that awaited them at the bottom of the bucket...
This is one of Jungle Girl's creations...
Little Wild Man's BIG ship...
Baby Girl's creation...
However, no matter how hard they tried, the little ones didn't make it awake into the New Year...
They all were asleep on the couches by 10:30pm...
May you and yours have a peaceful, rest-filled 2010!

1 comment:

  1. I love the 2010 lego creation - what a clever idea!
