

Little Rabbit Learning

My preschool kiddos
(both age three)
recently completed a rabbit unit,
as the main text.

Most of the activities the boys worked on
came from

Here is a recap
of all of the workbox activities:

Drawer 1:
R is for Rabbit
alphabet book page


Drawer 2:
Bunny Puppet

This is a great way to practice 
those scissor skills...
(Please note that Little Wild Man and I
assisted the boys
with their cutting-
our three year olds are
scissor savants...)  ;0)


Drawer 3:
Matching Up and Cutting Out
Bunnies page


Drawer 4:
Tracing Sheets
...and KidsSoup.


Drawer 5:
Bunny Puzzle

The numbers that correspond on the puzzle
are actually 10's,
but I cut them to be Units numbers,
since my littles
are working on counting to 12.


Drawer 6:
Pattern Making
erasers from the Target Dollar Spot


Drawer 7:
Bunny Games
The first game was a typical
Matching Game,
which the boys enjoyed...
...but their FAVORITE game was
"Where's the Rabbit?"

We used this game to continue working on the numbers
The boys got a kick out of closing their eyes
while I hid the rabbit cart 
behind one of the number cards...
...and then working together to find out
where the rabbit was hidden.


Drawer 8:
Carrots for Rabbit Palydough Mat


Drawer 9:
"What Starts with the 'H" Sound?" Sheet


Drawer 10:
More Bunny Games
The first game in this drawer
was one I picked up at a
consignment sale
a little while back.

You roll the colored die
and used a hook to pick up the same colored bunny.

It was NOT a big hit with the boys...
...but the
"Build a Bunny" game
The boys enjoyed trying to roll all 
the correct numbers 
to build their bunnies,
but they 
rolling a number 6...
...because then they got to hop!

(I do believe they rolled the number 6 about
20 times during the game...)


Besides the workbox activities,
I had a simple...
...Rabbit Explorer Box
pulled together
for them to play with.

It contained...
...Easter grass and wooden carrots...
...a couple of small rabbits
and a wooden barn cut out...
...and fence sections so the boys
could build homes for the bunnies.

But what was EVERYBODY'S 
favorite part of the box,
you ask?
Making messes with the Easter grass,
of course!


and let's not forget to include a pic collage
of all the fun the kiddos had...
...while playing Bunny Bowling.

(We also used this Bunny Bowling set
to hunt for rabbits a couple of years ago.
You can read that post by clicking HERE...)


Linking up

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