

"One Year Be-Tween You and God" Review and Give Away

My eldest daughter, 
aka "Jungle Girl,"
is a 10 year old on the brink
of her teenage years.

She is MOST DEFINITELY at the beginning
of that "between" stage of life-
one day she will be playing 
with her American Girl dolls,
and the next she is asking me
about getting an iPod Touch
so she can listen to her music while we school.

She IS a Tween.


When Tyndale Publishing gave me the opportunity
to review Sandra Byrd's
Devotional for Girls,
I was pretty excited.

This book seemed like the perfect way to 
transition Jungle Girl into
a personal time with God.


When I received the devotional
and showed it to Jungle Girl...
...she was immediately drawn to the
beautifully engraved leather-bound


She was ready to get started,
so she took it up to her room,
and decided to read one devotional each night
before she went to bed.

The devotional is set up in a yearly format,
with one page to go through per day.

Since we received this book in
the middle of October,
we decided it would be fine for Jungle Girl
to begin the devotionals in the
month of October.

The devotional is not so stringent
that a girl must begin the book
on January 1st.


Some of the topics the devotional addresses include:

*How Christianity is Different from Other Religions

*How to Talk to Others About God

*Mean Girls

*Taking Care of Myself

*Worries About My Family

*Why We Need to Say "I'm Sorry"


As a mother,
I would HIGHLY recommend this book
for girls in the 
9-14 year old range,
depending upon their maturity level.

Some 13 and 14 year old girls might find the topics
to simplistic for themselves,
and some 9 year old girls may be too challenged by it.

To get a sense of how the book
could work for your daughter,
just click HERE to read an excerpt. 


I also feel it is important that you get
a Tween's perspective on this book,
so I have asked Jungle Girl
to give me her opinion.

Here is her review,
in her own words:

"I like doing this devotional because
it is fun to look at.

It also asks and answers a lot of questions
I have about God.

I like it, A LOT, and I would recommend it
to other girls my age."


And now,
the FUN part!

I have been given permission 
by the publisher to give away one copy
of this book to one of my blog readers!


All you have to do to enter is leave
me a comment below by
Wednesday, November 7th.

This would make a GREAT Christmas gift
for any Tween girl in your life,
so comment below!  :0)


I received this book in exchange for my open and honest review
I was not compensated in any other way.


  1. Oh this looks wonderful! I have a 10 year old in the house as well... a tween. This would be awesome for her. Thank you for the review and giveaway.

    Creative and Curious Kids!

  2. Thank you, Wonder Mom and Jungle Girl, for reading, reviewing and liking my devo! I so appreciate your time ...

  3. Hi Wonder Mom! Would this be good for a 10 year old niece who lives in a household where her parents are not saved? I mean, do you think she'd "get it" without having someone to talk to about it everyday (of course I'd offer for her to call me with questions and such, but don't know if her mom will let her!)? I'd love to breathe God's word into her somehow, but it's hard being 3 hours away and not seeing her that often! Thanks! Seeking Him Homeschool (Theresa)

  4. This is wonderful! I checked out the excerpt on the Amazon link and seems to be something my daughter could use. Thanks for the giveaway :)
