

October 20th-26th

This week we have been up to our ears
in Halloween fun...

The kiddos went to spend the night at a friend's house,
so Super Dad and I went on a date!

We had sushi and people watched,
and then saw "Argo."

(EXCELLENT movie, by the way...)



Church fun,
ate some Taco Bell at home,
worked on some projects,
went back to church,
crocheted during the kiddos' choir practice,
came home,
set up school for Monday,
went to bed...



Smiley B, Mad Max, and Girlie V 
were all present,
so we had a full day of schooling.

Smiley B started a new set of tot trays,
all about 
"G is for Goofy Ghost,"
and my kiddos completed 
all their workboxes.

We also ALL enjoyed playing with
Smiley B's Halloween Explorer Box.

I had the kiddos in giggles with my
Super Skeleton character-
the things I do for fun... ;0)

In evening,
the power went out for a couple of hours,
and it turned out to be a fun time in the 'hood.

Our kiddos played "Life" on the iPad 
with their friends
and we hung out talking with our neighbors.

I LOVE our neighborhood...



After school,
the kiddos played outside
(have I mentioned how
BEAUTIFUL this Fall has been?)
and I worked on getting the house in order.

Ya know,
typical stuff.

but I also made up some
"Ghostie Goodies"
out of Nutter Butters and white chocolate chips
for a special lunch on Wednesday-
I really love have a Preschooler in the house...



During school,
we completed all of Smiley B's 
"G is for Goofy Ghost" Tot Trays.

We also had a fun ghostie themed lunch,
which all the kiddos were excited about,
and created a Ghost Luminary.

( I hope to post about these activities soon...)

After school,
my dear, wonderful, AMAZINGLY generous
neighbor worked on sewing a couple of items
for my kiddos' Halloween costumes.

We are going with a Hobbit theme.

Little Wild Man is going to be Bilbo Baggins,
Baby Girl is going to be covered with spiders from Mirkwood,
and Jungle Girl is TOTALLY STOKED to be Smaug the dragon.

there is no way I could have pulled these costumes together
without April-
I can't wait to show them off later!



After school,
the kiddos and I ran to the bank
so we could be ready for our handy man
to fix our floor.

It has been missing some boards for about a month
because of some crazy pressure issue.

We ended up with a mini-mountain in the middle
of our living room.

Handyman Stan took the boards out
and let the floor settle for about a month.

In the evening,
after Stan left,
we had a BEAUTIFUL fixed floor!




Happy National Pumpkin Day!

The kiddos and I only did a couple
of school "things"
(Math and our read aloud, The Hobbit),
and then we prepared for our
Pumpkin Carving Party.

I created some Clementine Jack-O-Lanterns
and Pumpkin Sugar Cookies
for a little supper
we had with our neighbors.

Then we carved our pumpkins
and went to another neighbors house
for an outdoor showing of the movie

I love, love, LOVE Halloween!


To see a photo play-by-play of the above
photo collage,
just click HERE...


Linking up 

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