

September 8th-14th

Lil' Angels Attic Sale Madness...
I am late getting my weekly wrap-ups posted
because I have been "recovering" from our church's
Fall Children's Clothing Consignment Sale.

Here are some of the highlights
from our sale week:

*No homeschooling this week.
This sale is one of the reasons we began
our school year back in July-
I love the flexibility of homeschooling!

I guess we did "homeschool"
one day this week
with a field trip to the
Tennessee Valley Authority Fair.

The fair set up a free learning experience
all about the farm.

The kiddos rotated through different stations,
learning about all of the products
farms produce that help us out,
from Sheep's Wool to Pizza "Gardens."

*I began a new guest series on the homepeeps blog called
"Middle Earth Musings."
Check it out if you or your kiddos are reading
The Hobbit...

*One evening we saw a Screech Owl on the back
of a neighbor's truck.

He stayed there for about 15 minutes,
letting us take pictures of him
and be amazed by his smallness.

I swear he was posing for us...

*I spent Monday-Saturday
(evenings mostly)
working at the church,
checking in all kinds of gently used
kiddo clothing, toys, and accessories.

30% of the proceeds from the sale
benefit the children and youth programs
at our church.

Also, during the 2 day sale,
I ALWAYS hear stories from many people
in the community
who find items they need for their families,
or for other families they know.

I LOVE this sale and how during it God allows me to be
the "hands and feet" for so many people...


To see a photo
play-by-play of the above collage,
just click HERE...


Linking up

Collage Friday

Week in Review

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