

Bees in the Butterfly Garden

is a novel set in the New York city area
during the Gilded Age.
The author,
created a list of characters
that I truly "cared" about as I
came to the end of the novel.


The main heroine and hero of the story,
Meg Davenport and Ian Maguire,
go on a journey
that changes their spiritual and romantic lives forever.

The synopsis of the novel can be read by clicking HERE.


I enjoy reading,
but I am not a "quick" reader.

life distracts me,
so reading a 407 page novel
could take me half a year or more to finish.


This novel, however,
seemed to fly by while I read it.

The plot was interesting and the characters
were round,
especially Meg.

I related to her stubbornness,
and when she finally comes to realize the
forgiveness and mercy of Christ
though her former classmate Claire-
I got a few goosebumps.


Now, I don't live in the Gilded Age,
where manners and society rules
seem to be more important than they are now.

But I DO live in an era that needs Jesus' forgiveness.

I want to be like Claire,
and let Christ work through my friendships
with others.

Just as I was touched by the spiritual issues
in this book, 
I think author Maureen knew others
would be also.

She created discussion questions
at the end of the book,
making this novel a very possible 
book club selection.

some might find some of the novel
too "tame" or "cheesy" for their tastes,
but I think when I have the opportunity to be
entertained with a clean piece of literature,
it is worth investigating.


I received this product free in exchange
for my open and honest review.
I was not compensated in any other way.

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