

Birthday Card Ribbon Display

We love to celebrate birthdays in this house.

We love getting and giving birthday cards.

But I have never really liked displaying all of the birthday cards,
because they always seemed to eventually fall off of the mantel,
the bookshelves, the baker's cabinet, etc., etc., etc.

I think I have solved my
birthday card quandary. 

I scrounged around my craft supplies
and came up with a little
"Birthday Card Ribbon Display."

Here's how I put mine together...
1.  Gather up all the supplies:

*Scraps of scrapbook paper
*Clothes pins
*Mod Podge
*Sponge brush
*Birthday cards
2.  To decorate the clothes pins,
I cut strips of scrapbook paper the width of
the clothes pins.
They don't have to be exactly perfect
if you are going for a more "weathered" look...
3.  Tear the strips to the length of the clothes pins-
again, I did not worry about perfection...
4.  Using Mod Podge and a sponge brush,
glue the strips to the clothes pins
(both sides)
and put a top coat of Mod Podge on the paper.
5.  Let the clothes pins dry completely.
6.  I wanted to give my pins a distressed look,
so after they were dry,
I used sandpaper...
...and the edge of a pair of scissors to 
scruff them up a bit.
7.  To create the display ribbon,
take long piece of cord/thick ribbon/rope
and knot it at the top.
Give it some color and tie different ribbon scraps
to the top of the knot.
8.  Hang the cord on a door,
clip on the clothes pins,
and you are ready... display some birthday cards!
I really needed this display this month,
since both Super Dad and Baby Girl celebrate
their birthdays in July...
Now I feel like we can keep the cards on display longer,
letting all the family enjoy them,
until the next birthday comes along!

1 comment:

  1. I have never yet to use modge podge...and it looks SO fun!

