

June 2nd-8th

This was a week full of celebrations!

Clean Garage Celebration

We use our garage as a play area/school storage area,
so at the end of a homeschooling year,
it was in GREAT need of a good clean out.

I F-I-N-A-L-L-Y got it all organized again
(after about working on it for three days straight).

Now, if we could just keep it that way... ;0)



Trust Celebration

We use the 252 Basics Curriculum at our church
for the kiddos,
and I teach the K-1 small group.

We began a journey looking at how we can trust God
with playing a giant Candyland type review game.

Also, we worked on memorizing our month's memory verse:

" 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your mind.'
This is the first and greatest commandment."
                                                                       -Matthew 22:37-38



"Let's Play!" Celebration

The kiddos have been having a great time 
with friends in the 'hood,
playing in pools,
playing in the garage,
playing in the Play House...

(You get the picture...)

And while they played,
I was able to get the School Room reorganized.

(Now, if I could only get to our closets upstairs...)



Transit of Venus Celebration

The kiddos and I went to
(the historic home of Tennessee's Governor John Sevier)
 to watch the
through some pretty cool telescopes.

A once in a lifetime event,
which I will post more about later...



Friends Who are Like Family Birthday Celebration

We spent the evening over at my parents' home,
celebrating the birthdays of two
really good family friends-
one of whom our son is named after.

We ate Dad's BBQ chicken,
Village Bakery's Chocolate Cake,
teased and laughed with each other,
and just had a nice evening...



Grocery Shopping Celebration

I went to the grocery store-

this calls for a celebration,
since I usually have one-three kiddos in tow,
distracting me from my
coupon shopping strategy... ;0)



"Lose the Training Wheels"

We have a very special friend named Lydia,
who attends church with us
and lives near my parents.

I was her Sunday School teacher 
for a couple of years too,
so we have developed a good relationship 
with her and her family.

Lydia has Downs Syndrome.

when we were invited to watch Lydia
ride a bike without training wheels,
we were SO there!

She participated in a national program called

This week long program teaches children with disabilities
to ride a bike without training wheels.

It was an AWESOME experience to be a part of!

You can see the progress the kiddos made
by clicking HERE...


To see a photo play-by-play
of this week's collage,
just click HERE...


To see what others had to celebrate this week,
just head on over to 


  1. Oh, what fun to have so many celebrations because life is a celebration! I love the photo in the middle of your collage! I am so glad you got to see the transit of Venus. It was awesome, wasn't it?

  2. Friends who are like family are wonderful!

    We missed the transit, but it looks so amazing in pictures!
