

TOS Crew Review: Dive Into Your Imagination

is a company that is driven by the passion of
an ocean-environ educator.

After watching the...
I can hear the passion
for the ocean in her narration
and see it in the underwater images she has helped film.


This DVD was created to be used with
a downloadable teacher's guide,
which REALLY adds so much to the DVD.

Yes, the DVD is interesting itself,
but the lesson guide is what really 
pumps up the educational component. 


Each guide uses is divided up into sections
based on the chapters of the DVD.

For each section,
the following components are included:

*Character education and imagination play for kiddos

*Pre-video questions, which are designed to prompt discussion and
enhance learning during video and multi-media viewing.

*Ideas and support materials can be used
to build learning centers/activities in your home,
combining science with other core subjects.

*A glossary of scientific terms,
eco-tips, and websites

*Suggested book lists and extension activities


I don't know about you,
but the kiddos and I will probably never get a chance
to go suba diving,
so watching this DVD was a treat!

The underwater creatures I got to see 
are God's "eye candy,"
in my opinion.

The activities included to go along with this DVD
are very well thought out,
and include great worksheets and interactive components,
which only adds to the 
underwater virtual field trip...

(It really makes me feel like
Ms. Frizzle...)  ;0)


The DVD is available for purchase
for $19.95,
as well as other educational DVDs.

Normally, the educational guides for all the different DVDs
are available as a printed version for
$299 (for the whole set of them)
or as individual PDFs for $69.95.

As a special for the The Old Schoolhouse Magazine and its followers,
 Annie Crawley will gift you a set of PDFs with purchase of the DVDs!

(When you place your DVD order,
just let her know in the notes that you are a Homeschool Parent.)


Check out what other TOS Crew Members are saying
about this product by clicking HERE...


I was given this DVD free in exchange for my open 
and honest review.  I was not compensated in any other way.

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