

May 19th-25th

Let Summer break fun begin!

Nana and Papa
(who live 6 hours north of us)
were in for the weekend,
so we took 'em to 
Dollywood with us.

It was a beautiful day,
so the crowds didn't really spoil our fun.

Bumper Cars, anyone?



After church
I hung around the church 
to help my mother-in-law
set up for her 
"Essential Oils Class."

We had about 20 ladies attend,
all there to learn about the benefits
of using

This is REALLY a class-
not an "opportunity" to sell stuff.
(Although stuff IS sold...)  ;0)

I am hoping to start another blog this Summer
to educate everyone about
the oils,
and how we use them in our family
for our health...

After the class,
we headed back up the mountain
with Nana and Papa
for a little mini-golf fun.

Baby Girl had a hole in one!

(Better than her Mommy did,
I must say...)



I-was-TIRED after all that fun,
so I was pretty lazy,
watching DVRed cartoons with the kiddos
and ordering pizza for supper-

It was lovely...



These days were spent more wisely...

The kiddos playing with friends...
(we had three different kiddos spend the night
at our house this week)

A CLEAN OUT of the girls'

Chalk train track drawing...

Catching up on the laundry...

Grocery shopping...

Caffeine detoxing- for myself-
I am so addicted!

I am lovin' Summer Break!


Check out a photo play by play
by clicking HERE...


I will be linking up with
and the


  1. I like the caffeine detoxing -- I gave up Coke Zero a while ago and feel so much better. I still have one cup of coffee in the morning, but that's it!

    have a great holiday weekend!

  2. I can't wait for you to post more on the oils. At the convention I went to last weekend one of the seminars was on that. It was very cool.

  3. What a great week! Just letting you know that we are now in your Elizabethton. We will have to meet at Dollywood sometime!
