

April 28th-May 4th

It's the calm before the storm, people...
From this next Saturday until the next,
we will spend EVERYDAY
performing an end of the year program
or practicing for one.

So, I was really laid back about school this week.

Yes, we read and did Math,
but instead of continuing on with our other subjects,
we did a lot of creative play, including:

*Bowling at a friends birthday party

*Building dragon lands with Jungle Girl's new Lego sets

*Drawing with ice outside

*Running through the neighbor's hose until
fingers and toes were wrinkly

*Putting together lots of "forgotten" puzzles

*Popping lots of bubble wrap


What else did we do this week?

*Went to BHEA's 
"Homeschooling 101" workshop and helped 
prospective Homeschooling Families
learn about our curriculum

*Celebrated Jungle Girl's 10th Birthday
with the family

*Led a planning meeting at our church
for our next consignment sale

*Baked A LOT of brownies for that meeting,
which meant we had 
brownies for breakfast the next day-
woot! woot!

*Hung out at my mom's one afternoon

*Shopped at the Farmer's Market

AND I get to end my week
with a special treat-
a date with my husband!

(Here's to hoping all this relaxing
gets me through next week's


To check out a photo
play-by-play of the above collage,
just click HERE...


I will be linking up the post at:
and the


  1. Wow! You have some busy days coming up, huh? What a fun week before the storm you had though!

  2. Brownies for breakfast...I know I had a comment, but now all I can think is brownies for breakfast :)
