

Egg-cellent Easter Eggs

During this week's Monday Fun stART class,
I got the kiddo's in the Easter spirit by reading...
...Jan Brett's
The Easter Egg.

I just L-O-V-E Jan Brett's books!

(To find out more about her books
and a TON of free worksheets and activities,
check out her website by clicking

Her illustrations are to be studied,
so it took the kiddos and I took a little longer than normal
to read through this book.

So, we only completed one art activity
after the story...


The kiddos created an
EASY Ribbon Easter Egg to take home
to adorn their home...

(I found the idea HERE via The Crafty Crow.)
Each of the kiddos received a card-stock egg cut out,
different colors of ribbon,
scissors, and glue to complete the craft...
The kiddos chose different ribbons...
... and glued them to their eggs... create festive Easter Eggs.

(I trimmed off the excess ribbon before the kiddos left to
complete the project.)


I had to include this photo in this post...
Just look at my son entertaining this
ADORABLE girl during class...
I think he has found a future bridal prospect...
...don't you? ;0)


Here are some more of the completed eggs:

it WAS a fun class...


To check out more fun ideas you can
use with your kiddos,
head on over to
Feed Me Books Friday,
It's Playtime!,
Kids Get Crafty!,
Preschool Corner,
Read, Explore, Learn,


  1. I love Jan Brett too. She is fantastic. Have you ever visited her website? She has so many great printables and activities.

    The eggs came out great!

  2. Fun! Bookmarked this idea for next year!

  3. Hee hee, I'm sure she appreciated that very much......

  4. I love how you shows us group activities - as it is much harder crafting with more children... and these eggs are lovely. Great use of different ribbons.

    Thank you for stopping by at Kids Get Crafty!!!


  5. That book is destined to be a classic! Love the variety of eggs.

  6. Brett's illustrations are truly worth the time to study and explore - good for you for taking the time to involve the kids in the pictures as well as the story. Thanks for linking up at Feed Me Books Friday!

  7. Those eggs turned out really well! I like Jan Brett books, too!
