

TOS Review: Artistic Pursuits

Today's review is a curriculum I am
VERY excited about,
because i always dreamed I would be
an artist when I grew up...
Artistic Pursuits is a curriculum that is NOT about
cutsey, fun crafts...
[Don't get me wrong-
we enjoy our fair share of those in this household! :0)]

It is about ART.

The curriculum we were given to review
focused on famous artists
and the art techniques
they used to create their masterpieces.

(You can read more about this manual by clicking HERE.)


I wanted to take you through the 1st lesson,
to give you an idea about all the educational FUN
my kiddos are receiving from this product...
The book is sectioned by periods of art history,
starting with the Gothic period.

Lesson 1 centers around the artist Cimabue,
with a pages summering his life and works-
very easy for the K-3 crowd to understand.

It also contains a page about the type of artwork
he participated in during his life,
which included painting and gold leaf work.


After reading the lesson,
the kiddos get to create art similar to Cimabue-
in this case, it was a Watercolor Painting.

What I REALLY like about
the art technique pages in this guide
are how child friendly they are...Just look at how nicely illustrated the watercolor lesson is!


After the watercolor lesson,
the kiddos get to learn about more about
Cimabue art, focusing on...
...Madonna Enthroned,
with Saints and Angels
This section teaches the kiddos
how to really observe a piece of artwork
with the help
of a list of thought-provoking questions...
...about the art.


After the art observation,
the kiddos get to participate in another project... leaf "painting."

Now, since this is a lesson for K-3,
actual gold leaf is not used,
but it is still fun with the gold origami paper,
(or gold wrapping paper, in our case!).
Again, I CANNOT tell you how GRATEFUL I am
for Brenda Ellis' simple yet clear
illustrated directions
for all the projects...


Our curriculum is $42.95,
which is reasonable if you consider that
your child could NOT take a quality art class
for this small of an amount.

Artistic Pursuits can take your homeschooler
from pre-K though their Senior year of High School,
offering consistency for your kiddo's art education...

Also, for your convenience... packs are offered for purchasing,
but if you are like our family,
I have most of these supplies on hand,
making this curriculum even cheaper to use.

Finally, there is an Art Gallery,
which gives your kiddo a chance to have their
Art work featured for the world to see-
how cool is that?

Please check out Artistic Pursuits
by clicking HERE...


Disclaimer: I was given this product free for my
open and honest review.
I was not compensated in any other way.


  1. I'm enjoying all the reviews of this product! I am not artistically gifted, it was my least favorite subject in school, and so am always on the look out for good instruction for the children.

  2. We love Artistic Pursuits as well.
