

Container Garden for the Less-Than-Green Thumbed

We are beginning a journey into Container Gardening
here at the Fantastic Five,
and let me just warn you...
...Wonder Mom does NOT have a green thumb!

But, you can learn a lot through trying,
so we are gonna get the old college try...
Here are my two lovely assistants,
ready to plant their boxes of grass.

(Don't worry, we are going to plant more than grass-
my girls just want to follow Mama Jenn's example
so they have grass for their Pet Shop animals
to play in.)


...we put rocks in the bottom......of our plastic shoe boxes.

Then......we put in some potting soil...
...and sprinkled some grass seed on top.

...we raked the seed......into the dirt.

...we watered our seed,
and set it in a sunny spot.


After planting our grass,
we headed inside to put together...
...our seed starter kits.
After opening the kits and labeling the pots,
we "grew" our soil-
by FAR the coolest part of the kits...
Jungle Girl measured out the water needed
for each of the soil pellets...
...and Baby Girl put the pellets into the water.

So, the pellets went from...
...this... this...
...and ended up like this.
After the soil finished "growing,"
the kiddos broke up the soil with forks.
(This is when Little Wild Man woke up from a nap
and joined in on the fun...)

Each of the kiddos planted different seeds:
Little Wild Man was assigned the Sweet Basil seed...
...Baby Girl got the Patio Tomato seed...
...and Jungle Girl had the Petite Sunflower seed.
After the seeds were nicely placed in their soil...
...and gently tucked away with more dirt...
...we took them outdoors and watered them.


And now, I proudly present the beginning of...
...the Fantastic Five's First Container Garden!


To check out other MUCH more spectacular gardens
than mine,
head on over to
The Homeschool Village's Garden Challenge...


  1. WE've started planting too, but it's slow going. Mainly because I had to take Defensive Driving and other stuff which has interrupted my ability to spend a lot of time outside.

  2. I love it! We are growing herbs for a container garden as a gift to a friend... Your kids are super photogenic.

  3. As a reforming 'black thumb'- I wish you luck! You just might surprise yourself.

  4. Love the pictures, the last one made me smile :)

  5. Love your photo journal and your enthusiasm for discovery! Great memories to be long treasured! Thanks for being a part of the HSV!

  6. P.S. Next link up is April 28th 10am EST
    Susan - The HSV TEAM

  7. Sending lots of green wishes your way! I can't wait to start our planting.

  8. Wow, love all your plantings. Still a little early to try and plant containers here, at least if you want to put them outside.
