

TOS Review: I See Sam (Academic Success for All Learners)

My Baby Girl,
who is age 6,
has just started reading this school year.

So, when we received...
...the "I See Sam" reading series
from Academic Success for All Learners,
we were BOTH excited!
This is a COMPREHENSIVE reading program,
full of great tools for young readers, including...
...Little Book Set Readers...
...Flashcards... Assessment Book... Instructor Manual...
...and encouraging Completion Certificates.


I believe the KEY that makes this program
so wonderful for kiddos is the books.
Kiddos can read a book in one sitting,
and feel such a great sense of accomplishment!

Because the "story" is told with just a few words
and the use of pictures,
the kiddos CAN read them.

To see the program in action,
just click HERE to see a great demonstration.


Also, the program is very affordable,
with the Little Books sets priced at $30
for 27 books.

(Read more about other pricing deals
by clicking HERE.)


But, perhaps THE reason I am
IN LOVE with this program is...
...this beautiful, toothless grin.

She could not be prouder of herself
because she can these books

To find out all the details of the program,
look at samples and demos,
and discover a program that can bring
smiles to your reading program,
just click HERE...


Disclaimer: I received this product free for my
open and honest review.
I was not compensated in any other way.

1 comment:

  1. Glad your daughter loves this program so much. We love it too!
