

Holiday Cheer in Sunday School

Just thought I'd give you a mini-tour
of our Sunday School classroom
to show you what brings me
Holiday Cheer
This is the white board,
where I typically put the day's
Bible point/Memory verse.

I chalked these little kiddos during
my public school teaching days-
they are from some scrapbooking stickers I had.

(I really enjoy chalking...)
This little guy is on the front door to our
the names of all the kiddos in the class are on
the ornaments in which he has tangled himself up in...
We also have a few ornaments the kiddos have made
hanging up in the classroom-
on Bible Alive! Tuesday I will post more about
these sweet little angels...

I just LOVE getting decorated for the holidays!


For more Holiday Bliss,
click HERE...

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