

The Boy's Birthday Party- Dragon Style...

B.C. (Before Christmas),
we celebrated Little Wild Man's birthday...
(He was born on December 12th,
but due to Christmas Craziness, we had his
party on December 19th.)

The theme for the party came from the kiddos'
current FAVORITE movie...
...How to Train Your Dragon.

(We showed The Legend of the BoneKnapper Dragon
at the party instead of the entire original movie,
since it was only about 20 minutes long.)


Oh, and a little side note...
Wear plastic gloves whenever you tie-dye something...
My hand shows you the reason why...
It did not come off for about four days...


Back to the party...
When the guests arrived at the church,
they each received a cardboard shield...
...which they decorated to use for a later game.
(LOVE this girl's shield!)


After crafts...
..we all ate part of Toothless, the Dragon...
...or at least my cupcake version of him...


After cake, it was time...
...for presents!
(Ain't he a riot in his goofy goggles?)


To burn off some energy,
I led the kiddos in some Viking-worthy games...
First, we played
"Viking Says"...

(Same rules as "Simon Says" except a "Viking"
leads the game to "train" his "dragons")
Even Super Dad got in on the fun!

The next game involved the shields they made...
...and a box of paper "fire balls."

Some of the adults acted as dragons
and threw the fire balls... the little vikings.
They used their shields to block the fire balls,
because if they were hit by one,
they were out of the game.

The last game the kiddos played was a...
...Dragon Egg hunt.
Same rules as an Easter Egg...
...and the loot in the eggs served as the treats
for the kiddos' goody bags.


Finally, we ended the evening by watching...
...The Legend of the BoneKnapper Dragon...
...and a sleepover with one of Little Wild Man's
best buds.


Happy 5th Birthday, Little Wild Man!
I hope your party was befitting a dragon-training


  1. What a terrific party! I love every bit of it. In fact, I might have to recycle (that sounds so much better than steal, doesn't it?) it for D's next birthday - or maybe just for a fun dragon day - great job!

  2. So love this idea. I'm thinking how we could do the same thing....... Maybe I can convince my boys this is a Bakugan party, though they'd also love a "Train Dragon" party as they call it.

  3. Happy Birthday to your little one! It looks like such a fun party. I love the fireball fight. We loved the book series and the movie. Great birthday theme!
