

Bible Alive! Tuesday: Getting Ready Wreathes

My Bible Alive! post this week is taken from
the Sunday School lesson I taught to my
Kindergarten-1st graders
this past Sunday...

I read Mary's Story (Arch Books) to the kiddos,
which is a retelling of Luke 1:5-2:18.

This section of scripture focuses a lot on Mary
and her role in Christ's birth-
how she prepared her heart for becoming the
Mother the Savior for the World...


So, after the story, the kiddos and I
prepared our Sunday School classroom for
Jesus' birthday by decorating it.
Then I let all the kiddos...
...create a wreath... take home... they could prepare...
...their own rooms...
...with decoration......for Jesus' birthday.
Come, Baby Jesus, come...


Your turn-
What ways are you making the
Bible come Alive!?

Link 'em up below...


  1. First commenter, because I'm still awake way too late..........

    We had a party, that's what we're doing and I've got about lots of other ideas to post for getting ready and all that, just need the time to write.

  2. I love Arch books - they're so handy for Sunday School lessons!
