

Won't You Be My Valentine?

I "heart" Valentine's Day...

Any day you can freely express your love
for others is good in my book...

Therefore, I enjoy making Valentines for my kiddos
to hand out to their friends...

I fully intended for my kiddos to actually make part of the Valentines this year,
but we ran out of time,
so the projects you are about to see are completely "Mommy Made"

(Is that BAD?)

However, I am certain that kiddos of a variety of ages
could make these Valentines on their own,
so I'm posting them anyways...

Little Wild Man had to have a container of some sort
for his preschool friends to deliver their Valentines,
and since he is a 100% testosterone driven boy, I made his box
into a Valentine Monster.

The Monster is ready to eat some Valentines at the party today...
Little Wild Man's Valentines were critter inspired...
"Hoppy" frogs for his male friends...
...and beautiful bugs for his female counterparts.

For his teachers,
(and the girls' dance teachers)
I created a bunch of these little paint sample notebooks
and paired them with some pencils,
making sure they know how "note worthy"
they are to us!
Baby Girl will be giving her dance pals
these Valentines...

Jungle Girl will be handing out these...
Share the love y'all!


  1. "mommy made" is just fine in my book! :)

  2. What great Valentine's! I love the buggy Valentines, and that box was too cute for words. I totally wanted to do something cute this year, but with Sam's death all the momentum was just sucked out of me. So, today at our Valentine party my kids passed out unsigned cards and suckers. Oh well, everyone understood, and my kids had fun. And that's what's important.

  3. We too loved our Monster boxes! Very cute!

  4. I love these-you are so creative! And I love the no candy approach :)
