

We LOVE Our Letter Boxes!!!

A few weeks ago,
over at The Shafer Family,
I read a post about a fun dollar store find...

Guess what...

I made my own "version" of this FANTABULOUS idea!

I bought two packs of magnet letters from
our local Dollar Tree... well as three of their little display shelves.
After removing the hardware from the backs of the boxes...
...and arranging one of the packages of letters
"just so" with my trusty hot glue gun...
...our family now has an alphabet matching game...
...which keeps Little Wild Man busy at his sisters' dance practices!
(I especially enjoy when he says
"K is for Kick"
"Q goes quack, quack, quack, quack..."
as he matches up the letters...
I totally credit the "Letter Factory" for this!)

What cheap FUN can you come up with
from your local Dollar Store?


  1. Oh I so need a great idea like this to keep my own little wild man bust at Savvy's dance classes! I love bargain finds that can be turned into excellent resources and activities. It's fantastic that this is going to obviously get a great workout.

    I am always popping into our dollar stores looking for anything I can use to make up some activites. The latest thing I bought was a roll of gutter mesh for less than two dollars. I have used it to make some texture cards as well as some fine motor skill activities for Blakie. I often stock up on stickers in these stores - great for patterning activities, creating stories (where Savvy chooses a sticker to fill in a gap in the story) and cheap pictures or scenes that can be used for story telling activities or lacing.

  2. Elise, you are so right! (The problem I often have at the Dollar Store is "limiting" my budget!)

  3. Your local dollar store has wooden letters like that? I'm jealous!
    ANd I'm with you on limiting my budget at the dollar store, it's hard sometimes!
