

stART: "Groundhog Gets a Say" by Pamela Curtis Swallow

This week, we included our stART activity during our
"Ga-Ga for Groundhog's Day" celebration.
The book we read was funny and very informative...

(Fun Fact: The groundhog dig and move around up to 700 pounds of dirt in one day!)

The craft we created to go along with the book
was a pop-up groundhog puppet.

I have seen many different fun and creative versions of this craft
(like this and this and this).

Here's our take on the project...
First, we gathered up our supplies:

White paper party cups
Wooden spoons
Green paint
Sponge brushes
Craft glue
Googly eyes
Black and Brown pom poms
Red cord/string/yarn
To get the kiddos set up for the craft,
I cut an X shape into the bottom of each paper cup.
The kiddos then painted the cups green,
for the grass of the groundhog's burrow.
"We're painting the grass green, we're painting the grass green..."

(Sung to the tune of "Painting the Roses Red"
from Disney's cartoon version of "Alice in Wonderland.)
Set the cups out to dry.
Next, glue on the groundhog's facial features:

Eyes: Googly eyes
Nose: Black pom pom
Mouth: Res cord
Ears: Brown Pom poms
Set your little groundhog family out to dry...
Morn over the fact that Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow
and there will be 6 more weeks of winter,
and got to bed.

Let the craft pieces dry while dreaming of spring flowers and sunny days...
Try out the puppet...
...and take it to preschool to show your friends!

(Yes, I do homeschool my kiddos, but Little Wild Man
is going to preschool three days a week since this is my first full year of homeschooling.
TRUST ME- this was a wise decision on our part!)

"Go to sleep, Go to Sleep,
Go to Sleep little groundhog..."

Now, don't wait for Spring to get here-
Head on over NOW to stART
and check out other story inspired art!


  1. That is one of the most adorable ground hog projects I have ever seen!

  2. you come up with some of the cutest crafts! I love this! :)

  3. I love this project!!! What a fantastic idea :) They came out great!

  4. I like your version of this craft. I wish I'd realized groundhog's day was upon us in time look for a book - we had to settle for an episode of Stanley, we had on DVD, but the book you found looks excellent!

  5. These are ADORABLE!! I love this! Great craft, and cute pictures too!

  6. These are sweet! We have done groundhog pop-up puppets lots of times but I hadn't seen it done with wooden spoons before - what a great idea. Thanks for sharing! :)

  7. Did your groundhogs see their shadows? Maybe you can trump Phil's prediction. Jimmy the groundhog in WI disagreed with Phil.

  8. This is really a very cute project, and obviously the kiddos enjoyed it a lot. I have to look up this book next year.

  9. That is a cute Ground Hog Day Project.

  10. WOW!! GREAT IDEA! Wish I would have seen this b4 ground hog's day Lu was flipping out wanting to watch the news to see if the ground hog saw his shadow!

  11. Oh wow, I love how these came out, we did something similar, but I LOVE the idea of using a wooden spoon.

    Thank you for linking up to stART :0)
