

stART: "Clifford, We Love You!" by Norman Bridwell

We have been trying to "share the love" with all our friends and family
as Valentine's Day quickly approaches.
After reading "Clifford, We Love You,"
we knew it was time to do something for our canine companions...

Knit Wit
(check her blog out, "Piecelove"- it ROCKS!)
recently gave Jungle Girl all of her daughter's old
"American Girl" magazines.

(I swear, I read them more than Jungle Girl!)

As I was par-oozing through an issue...
...I came across this idea:

Making Dog Chew Toys Out of Fleece

So, I gathered up all the supplies and did the prep work...

while Jungle Girl read the Clifford book to Baby Girl.
The supplies we needed for this activity were:

Yard Stick
Permanent Marker

I used the yard stick and marker to measure out
the amount of strips needed.

(The dimensions of the strips are 2 inches by 15-20 inches)
I made several dots down the fleece,
because I cannot cut a straight line to save myself...
I then cut out the strips...

...and tied three strips together with a knot at the top.

The girls were then ready to take over...
Baby Girl would hold the strip at the knot,
and Jungle Girl would braid the strips together.
(I was very proud of them!
This activity reminded me
how grown-up they are becoming...
*sniff* sniff*)
Tie a knot in the end,
and any puppy would be proud to play with such a toy!

Next week, we plan on taking them to the
local animal shelter to "share the love"...

Walk your doggies on over to
stART and see what other creative crafts
others are doing with books!


  1. You are so sweet! What a brilliant idea! I love this idea! Bless you for sharing the love! :)

  2. I was thinking what a great craft - but we don't have a dog - and then I read your plan to share the love - it's a terrific idea!

  3. What an adorable idea! A great way to model caring and giving for your girls.

    We used to listen to "Clifford, We Love You!" all the time - we had a cassette of the story, complete with the cheesy song! My kids loved it.

  4. You'll have to post pictures of the dogs at the shelter enjoying their new toys! Cute idea.

  5. I love this idea for learning to braid- thanks!

  6. What a fun project. I know the dog will enjoy those toys.

  7. how smart are you? What a fun project my little one would LOVE IT!

  8. I love this project, how sweet to make a valentine for the dog :0)

    Thank you for linking up to stART and sharing your creative ideas!!
