

Simple Super Bowl Lunch

OK, it's no secret,
we are HUGE Colts fans in our household.

So, BIG preparations are underway for
the main event on Sunday evening-

Super Bowl XLIV!

I even made a celebratory lunch for
Little Wild Man to take to preschool on Friday...
(I know it's not in a Muffin Tin, but I still
consider this a "Muffin Tin Monday"
type of meal...)
Graham cracker with "GO COLTS" written
on them in icing...
Tortilla and Ham sandwiches in the shapes of
footballs and football helmets...
Clementine slices
(to represent Florida, which is where Super Bowl XLIV will be played)
Homemade Colts stickers
(to share with friends and spread support)
All wrapped up in a Colts blue lunch bag...

(which Super Dad and I got at the
Colts game we went to in December)


Side note:
We are still proud of our Colts even thought they lost-
looking forward to next year fellas!

Even if you are a Saints fan,
you need to head on over to Muffin Tin Monday
and see what other football fans have been eating this week!


  1. Alright, I am a Saints fan, but I still love it!
    Happy MTM!

  2. Well - other than picking the wrong team (Go SAINTS!!!) looks like a great lunch!!! hee hee

  3. I am so sorry this lunch didn't help! We were pulling for the Colts too.

  4. So cute! My kids would love a lunch like this in preparation for any big sports event. Hmm...!

    Do you have cookie cutters for the helmets and footballs or did you trace them?

  5. oh no. it says colts. who dat?

  6. MammaGames:

    I have cookie cutters shaped like this, but I'm sure a person can trace them to get the shape too...

    I invested in a huge pack of cookie cutters put out by Wilton once, and I use them all the time (and it's RARELY to make cookies with!).

    Here they are:
