

Kids in the Kitchen: Whole Wheat Snickerdoodles

This week, we have had sickness running rampant
through our house...

So, to help slow down the cabin fever that has been developing,
what would be better than making some cookies in the kitchen?

The kiddos LOVE this recipe for
Whole Wheat Snickerdoodles
(from "The Hillbilly Housewife"),
and since it's made with whole wheat flour,
I feel as though I'm sneaking in some nutrition!
The ingredients you need for this recipe
(we doubled the ingredients-
which was a good math lesson for my 2nd grader)
are as follows:

2 sticks of margarine
1 and 1/2 cup of brown sugar
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 cups of whole wheat flour
4 tablespoons of white sugar mixed with 3 teaspoons cinnamon

Two ready and willing assistants!
First, the girls measured out the brown sugar...
They really loved packing it in the measuring cups...

(Jungle Girl said it reminded her
of trying to build a sand castle.)
Next, the girls put the brown sugar and margarine in a big bowl...

(Again, they had to stack it together to make a "castle!)
Now, let the mashing begin!

Add one egg...
and then the other...

(Be sure to fish out the bits of egg shell
that may have *ahem* slipped...)
Throw in some vanilla,
and let Mommy beat all the ingredients together with the mixer...
Add the dry ingredients to the mush...
and stir, stir, stir!
Hey you two- don't eat all the coating!
Scoop up balls of dough and roll them around
in the Cinnamon Sugar mixture...
While the cookies are baking
(400 degrees for 10 minutes),
put your assistants to work
cleaning up all the dough and sugar they spilled...
After the cookies have cooled,
grab a glass of milk
(or Sprite, if you've been sick)
and enjoy!

Check out more yummy fun over at
Kids in the Kitchen on "A Little Fun With Me and Lu!"


  1. we love snickerdoodles here and love the fact that your recipe is not only great for the kids to help with but better for them because made with whole wheat

  2. The kids look like they are having fun and I loved how you put them to "work" cleaning the counter tops! Thank you for your sweet comment you left over on my page I really apprciate that :)
