

Advent Calendar

To kick off the Christmas season with my 1st grade Sunday School class, we made bubble wrap advent calendars (idea taken from Family Fun).

The supplies we used included the following:
Bubble wrap
Construction paper
Permanent marker
Dot stickers

First, I drew an outline of a Christmas tree around 24 of the bubbles on a sheet of the bubble wrap. Then I cut the tree shape out and glued it to a sheet of construction paper.
The kiddos then wrote the numbers 1-24 on the dot stickers and stuck the stickers on the bubbles.
Viola! All my 1st graders can now pop a bubble daily to count down the days until Christmas!

(P.S. The picture above is one of my student's finished products. I love how he wrote his name on the paper!)


  1. I love it!!! Now where is my bubble wrap? Great idea :)

  2. Thanks Jedda! By the way- I LOVE YOUR BLOG! It's lovely ladies like you that make ME want to blog- so many creative ideas, so little time!
