

Three Little Pigs Learning Fun

I love it when a little fun
just kinds falls into your lap,
which is exactly what happened
one rainy afternoon last week.

Netflix recently added some of Disney's
Silly Symphony cartoons,
which I gladly introduced to my kiddos.

In volume one, 
cartoons is shown-
...The Three Little Pigs!

I still remember listening to it on my
wickedly cool record player,
turning the pages to the book when the story teller
told me to...

Good times, good times...

(If you wanna, you can see that version
by clicking HERE.)

After watching The Three Little Pigs,
I decided to pull out the book version
retelling of this classic fairy tale...
Jon Scieszka.

After reading the books,
and discussing which version we believed better,
(we all seemed to side with the wolf)  ;0)
we did a little crafty fun...

...and used felt, buttons, sequins, and googly eyes
to create...

...three little button piggies.
I then glued a hair clip ontot he back of the piggies... the girls could make a "pig" of themselves
whenever they felt like it.  ;0)

For Little Wild Man,
I used buttons, bits of cloth, and googly eyes
to create...
...a Big Bad Wolf pin.

(Cause what little boy wants to wear a cute piggy?
None that I know!)


I gave the kiddos
(plus a friend)
a science challenge:
Using craft sticks,
build a "house" that can with stand
the air from a blow dryer.
We used craft sticks like THESE,
so we didn't have to worry about glue or other adhesives.

After the structures were built... was time to test them out.
(Sadly, and funnily,
our friend Eep could not participate in the challenge
because one of the littles I watch
got a hold of it and took it apart.)

Eep therefore became the 
Big Bad Wolf
and held the hair dryer to test 
out the houses...

The structures held up pretty well,
and all of the stayed, 
for the most part,
We did end up with a clear winner,
...since Jungle Girl's house did not lose
any sticks.

It was truly a fun afternoon
for piggies...
...and imprisoned wolves alike!

1 comment:

  1. We tried making houses stand up to the hair dryer, but we used marshmallows and tooth picks. We ended up with some weird looking houses after the hair dryer (tornado) came through.
