

Intagram Birthday Recap

Friday, April 26th, 2013

(Man, I am LATE posting about this special day,
but if you follow me on Instagram,
(or Facebook or Twitter)
you will have already seen most of the following images...)
This year,
we have decided to forego any big friend birthday parties
for the kiddos and just focus on their special day with the family.

Jungle Girl turned 11 on April 26th,
and we began the celebration
with little buckets filled with party supplies
for all our little...
..."party animals." 

After opening up the party kits,
we packed up the van and headed to...
...Krispie Kreme for a doughnut breakfast.

After getting hyped up on sugar,
we headed to over to our local park... feed the ducks...
...and play on the playground.

In fact, 
Pretty Princess Pants had so much fun...
...she was plum tuckered out!

After the Puppy Prince and Pretty Princess Pants
went home,
my kiddos and I headed over to my parents' house for...
...birthday cake!

My mom made the cake
(Texas Chocolate- Jungle Girl's fav)
a clay Toothless dragon
for the cake topper.

Marmee LOVES to spoil her grandkiddos...  :0)

After dance practice,
we went back home and spent the evening...
...eating MORE sugar
(a cookie cake)
with neighborhood friends,
and even had an impromptu sleepover
(a total of 7 kiddos, to be exact).

I think this day turned out pretty nicely... 
...for my dragon-lovin',
Jungle Girl!

I hope and pray your 11th year of life
ROCKS, sweet girl!!!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a perfect to remember their whole lives.
