

Winter is SNOW Much Fun!

We have a 
"Parents Day Out"
at our church.

This is a program that offers childcare,
twice a week,
for kiddos ages
infant through Preschool.

There are a couple of wonderful ladies 
who care for the children 
during that time.

Since they are busy women,
I asked if I could "take over"
putting up the 
monthly bulletin board display.

(I know this may sound weird to some of you,
but I MISS that part of my old teaching job...)

They agreed,
so each month I do some kind of project with the 
wee ones
and then find a way to creatively
display their work.

January's art project was...
...Snowflake Painting,
idea courtesy of Inner Child Fun.

I displayed their gorgeous work
on a bulletin board with a paper created snowman...
...and a doily "snowflake" border.
I am pretty sure these flakes would warm the heart
of any snowball sculpture...


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