

His Most Important Birthday...

This past Sunday,
Little Wild Man made
a very important decision...
...the MOST IMPORTANT decision
in his entire life.

With both the support of his 
biological and church family...
...he decided to become a disciple of Christ.
Super Dad baptized him,
and I must say,
he did a FANTASTIC job.

Before he baptized him,
Super Dad reminded Little Wild Man
about the meaning behind the name we chose for him-
Garrett Walker.

He was named after two of the most faithful women
we know-
Marie Garrett
(Jungle Girl's crochet teacher,
and an "Auntie" to all of us)
Ann Walker Hockman
(Super Dad's mother
and the kiddos' Nana).
Nana, Garrett, and Miss Marie

Even though he was named after women of great faith,
we knew he was not predestined 
to follow Jesus.

But through prayer, teaching, and
the positive influence of his family and friends,
Little Wild Man came to this decision on his own accord.


In the same way,
count yourselves dead to sin...
...but alive to God in Christ Jesus.
                                                            -Romans 6:11
Here he is-
my son,
and now my little brother in Christ!

My heart is full...


  1. Yay! Congratulations! There is no better feeling in the world than knowing your children have Jesus in their hearts!

  2. Wonderful to read. I was just surfing the web (Pinterest) for Christian Preschool crafts for Resurrection Sunday, and came across something that drew me to your blog. When I saw this post and your son's baptism, it thrilled my heart. I am a Christian. I have been in education since 1983! I was an Aide for Special Needs children Pre-age 19. I did that for 12 years before I opened a Preschool: So for the last 18 years I have taught at "Little Blessings" Christian Preschool at the Versailles Church of Christ, Versailles, IN. I love your webpage/blog. You are an amazing mom and I would love to hear from you!
