

Christmas Explorer Box

This month's Explorer Box is center around-
what else...

The box's filler consists of... gift bag "filler" and green Christmas tree 
table scatter.

I put in LOTS of Christmasy-type items,
such as... stockings...
...Santa hats, bows, bells...
...and teeny-tiny Santa ornaments.

For sorting and exploring the items...
...I added a couple of star shaped trays
and red measuring cups.


I find it interesting how
my little ones differently respond
to the Explorer boxes.

Girlie V...
...who is 2,
couldn't wait to look through the box before
I had it put together!

She especially enjoyed playing with...
...this tiny gift bag.

She really likes small containers,
and putting small items 
in and out of them.


Smiley B...
...who is 3,
dug through the box,
trying to see
what was in all of the red tinsel-y strands.

He also discovered what a sled was
because of...
...this little ornament that was in the box.

I asked him if he knew what the Teddy Bear was on,
and he said, "No."

(We live in Tennessee,
and snow is not a common occurrence,
so I can see why he would not be familiar with a sled.)

Baby Girl took Smiley B outside to our
Christmas display...
...and showed him a sled I use for decoration.

He seemed interested-
probably because of the sled's
rockin' awesome hot pink design... ;0)


I gave Smiley a sorting challenge
with the Explorer Box:
Put non-Santa items
in the green star,
and Santa items in the red star.
With a little help
from Baby Girl keeping him on track,
he did a pretty good job...


Linking up with
Preschool and Kindergarten Corner...

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