

December 1st-7th

Christmas celebrations are in full swing
at The Fantastic Five...

We began our Advent celebration with a
"Build-Your-Snowman" Breakfast,
brought to us by our
(aka Chess).

Later in the morning,
we finished decorating our Christmas tree,
and ended our day by going to

An EXCELLENT way to kick off the Advent Season...



The kiddos debuted two new songs
during the services with the 
His Kids choir.

Little Wild Man wore his new
Angry Birds tie-
a gift from his Marmee.

He looked smashing,
if I do say so myself...



We did school,
with a "gingerbread twist,"
and participated in some other Advent activities,
which you can read about 
by clicking HERE.

I will admit,
school has been light as of late,
and will be until 
after the holidays.

We do keep up with Math and Reading,
but other subjects get
"pushed to the side"
in lieu of Christmas Fun...



After dropping off some sweet treats
for a sweet friend,
the kiddos and I headed over to
help my mom clean out her garage
for a garage sale.

I love looking through all the treasures
my Mom has stored away.

I came home with four completed 
quilt tops by my grandmother and great-grandmother-
guess what I want to learn to do now?  :0)



We cleaned up the house,
did some Math,
and then headed out to a birthday party.

While the kiddos danced the evening away,
Super Dad and I did a little Christmas shopping.

I am so excited for the kiddos
to open their prezzies on Christmas morning!


To read a photo play-by-play
of the above collage,
just click HERE...


Liking up

1 comment:

  1. I am all in favor of a light work load in December. You are making memories for them. I love all the celebrating you all do. We went to Bristol lights...perhaps we will make it to Dollywood lights one year.
