

November 3rd-9th

I am a week behind on posting this 
Week in Review,
but with only 6 weeks left of the year,
I am NOT gonna stop now!

Here goes nothing...
During this week,
I did the following:

*Schooled my kiddos and watched my extra three kiddos

*Completed some Fall Tot Trays with Smiley B


*Let the kiddos make a million 
Shrinkie Dink figures for their
"Borrower Houses"

*Watched my presidential candidate lose...

*Opened up an Etsy shop-

*Crocheted my little fingers off

*Burned myself with the glue gun while making 
Flower Brooches for the
WonderYarn shop

*Caught up on laundry, laundry, and more laundry

(Don't hate me because my life is so
slammed-packed full of excitement...)  ;0)


Check out a photo play-by-play
of the above collage by clicking HERE...


Linking up

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