

October 6th-12th

Fall is here is FULL force, people!

After the kiddos woke up from their little
camp out in the neighbors yard,
I went out to get them some yummy
Halloween Krispie Kreme doughnuts
for everyone's breakfast.

When I arrived back home,
I discovered that my sweet Jungle Girl's eye
was swollen almost completely shut,
due to her poison ivy.

(Man, she looked like she
had been beat up- 

So Super Dad came to her rescue,
and took her to see 
Mr. Jim again.

While they were gone,
the other kiddos and I enjoyed 
walking around the 'hood,
finding treasures at our semi-annual 
neighborhood yard sale.

How did the rest of this Saturday go?

Jungle Girl returning from the doc's with more meds;
more garage sale shopping;
taking Little Wild Man to a b-day party;
buying and planting some mums in the front yard;
picking up Little Wild Man from the party;
all of the fam heading to another birthday party;
coming home from the party;
putting the kiddos to bed;
planning a Sunday School lesson;
and, FINALLY, sleep...



Church was so fun,
because we had a celebration service
as we pledged our tithe cards for the new year.

We also celebrated the completion of the loan payments
on our "new" (20 year old) sanctuary
with a Barbecue luncheon-
such a fun meal!

There were no evening services,
so I went home and took a
2 hour nap and then played around 
on the computer...




Smiley B, Mad Max, and Girlie V
all came to play,
we did some school,
played outside,
watched some "Go Diego Go!"-
the usual...



Kiddos and I did a full day of school
and cleaned the house.

I am finally feeling like I am getting back
into a good rhythm with our schedule again-
I sure hope I can keep it up!

In the evening,
I put the finishing touches on a 
special 3 day Preschool Unit
I will be doing with Smiley B-
it is ALL related to his 
of firefighters.

I am so excited about it...



Smiley B and Mad Max were just
a JOY to have around today!

Baby boy took a 4 HOUR MORNING NAP,
so we got all our school accomplished
during that time-
including Smiley's tot trays
relating to firefighters and 
"D" for Dalmatian Dog.

We even had time for some crafty fun,
which included painting pumpkins,
which I will post more about later...

In the afternoon, Miss Marie came over
for some crocheting lessons,
and we spent the rest of the evening
playing and hanging out with our friends
in the 'hood...



After doing Math and Reading,
we headed out to do a couple of errands
and then went over to my parents' house.

Jungle Girl made sure to show off her completed
"The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"
lapbook to them.

I hope to post some pics of it later...

Before heading home,
we stopped off at the Farmer's Market
and got our registration form for 
Scarecrows in the Park.

Our neighbors and our family
are going to make a scarecrow... we did with 
"Little Miss Muffett"
a couple of years ago.

Went home and immediately started
making plans with my friend April
for our entry-
so excited!!!



After school was completed,
we headed out to find some stuff
to complete the kiddos'
Animal Habitat projects.

We should finish those up on Monday-
if Mad Max takes another long nap again...

In the evening,
we went to a friend's birthday party
and then hung out back at home with our
'hood friends.

I am LOVING Fall right now!


To see a photo play-by-play 
of the above photo collage,
just click HERE...


Linking up

Collage Friday

Week in Review

Weekly Wrap-Up


  1. Sounds like a week full of friends and fellowship!

  2. OK -- you totally lost me at Krispy Kreme. I read the rest of your post and couldn't get past those yummy treats. Unfortunately, we don't live very close to a Krispy Kreme anymore. I need to move!

    Thanks for linking, my friend!
