

Farm Themed Tot Trays- "Sponsored" by the Letter C...

do you EVER have one of those weeks
in which you just can't seem
to catch up-
especially when it comes to your blog?

I have had a couple of scheduled blog posts
"posted" that were not written,
and I have even touched my blog post for
which was due to go out this past Monday.

I need to get my blog groove back on!

I think taking care of all the
sickies in my house last week,
coupled with continuing to try to keep up with homeschooling,
recovering from our church's consignment sale,
enjoying hanging out in the yard with our new neighbors,
have chipped away my blogging time.

I am getting back into the swing of things,
beginning with completing
this post...



Over the past couple of weeks,
Smiley B has been working through the following
tot trays,
which all relate to a
Farm Theme and the Letter C...


Name Practice Tray
I will now be guiding Smiley B
(aka "Brennan")
with a name recognition tot tray every week.

This first tray had B using tongs... pick up letter beads...
...and match them up in corresponding
bottle cap letters.


Play-Doh Eggs
I CANNOT find where I picked up this handout
but B had to make Play-Doh "eggs"
and place the appropriate number of eggs
by the corresponding number.


Cow-Patterns Match-Up
Using a printable from this
Cow Copywork & Fun! pack,
B matched up different cow patch patterns.


Alphabet Page-
Letter C
Since "C" is for Cow,
B used...
...scissors to cut out patches from some
black construction...
...and pasted them onto a letter C.


Cow Shape Match-Up
Using THIS printable,
Smiley matched up shape cards to their
corresponding cow.
His buddy,
Little Wild Man,
enjoyed helping him with this activity...


Cow Dot-a-Dot Page
Using Dot-a-Dot markers...
...both Little Wild Man and Smiley B
filled in the circles on 
THIS cow printable.


To round off our Farm Theme,
we had a
Farm Explorer Box
(which needs a post of its own),
and read...
...THIS book several times.

It was so fun!
Jungle Girl makes a good animal model,
doesn't she?  :0)


Linking up later with
Preschool and Kindergarten Corner...

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